My CS50x Projects

picture of duck debugger AI

CS50 is a hybrid course based at Harvard University. CS50 is both an on-campus, for-credit course for Harvard and Yale students and, as CS50x, an on-line course for anyone who signs up and for whom it is free. At Harvard, it is the campus' largest enrolled course, with about 1,000 students per semester. The on-line version enrolls tens of thousands of students each semester, although students have as long as they need to complete all the requirements. Millions of students have enrolled since the course began in 2012.

CS50/CS50x is a basic introduction, intended both for people who have never programmed before as well as those with some experience. It is rigorous and challenging, but its focus is not on coding per se. While students learn the fundamentals of programming, the real focus is on concepts, from algorithms to data structures, from memory management to AI to cybersecurity. Students are exposed to C, Python, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Flask, but will not emerge from this single course proficient in any of them. There are other CS50 courses that offer more depth in those and other CS topics.

Near the end of the course are four projects that have to do with creating web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Bootstrap, and Flask. The purpose of this site is to give my solutions to those projects a place on the web for testing and to share with any others who might be interested.

CS50x Trivia Site

A trivia questions page constructed with HTML, JavaScript and a bit of CSS.

JavaScript was used access lists of questions and answers that were stored internally.

Problem My Solution
CS50x Home Page

A four-page website made with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, with a little Bootstrap thrown in.

Each page was implemented somewhat differently. Details are available using the Colophon button at the bottom of each page.

Problem My Solution
CS50x Birthday Site

Not yet completed.

CS50x Finance Site

Not yet completed.
